WEIGHT LOSS RESEARCH 2010 up to date as of 17/5/2010

Chapter Page

DAY1 21
DAY2 22
DAY3 23
DAY4 24
DAY5 25
DAY6 26
DAY7 27
DAY8 28
DAY 9, 10, 11 AND SO ON. 46



Negative Calories. What are they? Negative Calorie foods have
what we will refer to as a .negative calorie effect.. To give you an
idea of what that means, we.ll go through the process. You eat an
apple. The apple you consume has 80 calories however, your body.s
chemical processing, digestion and breakdown of that apple causes
you to burn off 100 calories thus, your negative calorie effect is .20
calories. Can you see the implications of a diet based on this

Let.s talk about the word diet. What images do you conjure up
when you see or hear that word? I think of starving. I think of not
ever getting full when I sit down to a meal. I think of all the foods that
I like. I think of all the foods that I.m missing. What do you think?

We.re going to change all that. The first step is to redefine the
word diet. In reality, we don.t have to change the real definition, just
the definition we.ve all been programmed to believe in. Go ahead;
look up the word diet in a dictionary. Let.s do it together. Diet: 1.
The usual food and drink of a person or animal. The other definitions
are similar but none of the definitions define the word diet as a way to
lose weight. Diet does not mean weight loss! Diet is simply the
usual food and drink you consume.

So now that we know what diet means, we.ll have to make up a
list of our new usual food and drink. More on that later. In this book,
I want you to start understanding, knowing, and feeling that diet is not
a bad word. Just as a doctor would have a patient change their diet
for some particular reason, we too will change our diet to produce the
desired changes in not only our weight, but also our storage of body

As I.m sure you already know, most people that go on diets are
not successful in their quest. This usually breaks down to one simple
human behavior. DISCIPLINE. That.s right, most of us do not have
the kind of discipline it takes to succeed. We could talk all day about



discipline, couldn.t we? From the moment you start reading this
book, I want you to start talking to your inner being about your
discipline. For some of you, it.ll be a short discussion. For the rest of
us, it.ll be an ongoing argument! Today is the day to start building
your discipline. How good is your word? Do you make good on your
promises? Well, now.s the time to give your word to yourself. Make
good on your new promise to yourself to have the discipline it takes
to succeed.

The Workbook section will help and guide you to keeping your
word to yourself. Start slow. Think about it for a few days. Visualize
what sacrifices you.re about to make for the next week or two. Tell
yourself that it isn.t for the rest of your life. Explain to yourself why
you want to succeed this time. Explain to yourself why it.s important.
Come on, we all know how to persuade someone when we really
want to, don.t we? When it.s really important, right? Now it.s time to
use that particular skill on you.

I want you to approach this new diet differently than you have in
the past. Don.t moan and groan. Smile. It.s easy. Just look in the
mirror and do it! Cool, huh? No, this time you need to ease into the
idea of losing weight. DO NOT read this guide today and start today.
Do not read this guide today and start tomorrow. Read it through at
least a couple of times. Go over the information that means the most
to you even more. Talk to yourself. Go to the store and LOOK at the
food you.re going to start eating. Pick it up. Touch it. Smell it.
Think about it. Learn about it. Most important of all, relax!

I.ve found that for myself, it.s very helpful to write down your
desired results in the form of a goal. That.s right, write it down. Give
yourself three months to achieve it. Don.t make an impossible goal,
but make it a challenging one. Now don.t get me wrong. You.re
going to be losing a lot of weight in the next week or two. We.ll get
more into that later as well.

What.s really nice about this diet are the results! Yes, I said
results! As you progress and achieve results, sticking to the diet is
even more easy, and your self-discipline soars! Funny how that
works, isn.t it? But isn.t really human nature? We need proof before



we commit! Well, proof is right around the corner! But for now, I
want you to relax, sit back and enjoy. When you come across some
information here that feels really important to you, please pause for a
moment and contemplate those thoughts.

In the back of the Workbook are some pages for you to write
down your notes as you go along, so have a pen handy. Start with
the time and date. Then put down what you.re thinking on paper.
Ask yourself questions and answer them. Write them down too. The
more you discuss your new endeavor with yourself, the more chance
you have at success. Who.s your best friend? It better be you! You
NEED you!

The Negative Calorie Diet is not intended as a replacement for
long-term eating habits. The Negative Calorie Diet is not appropriate
for children or teenagers. The Negative Calorie Diet is not intended
to be a replacement for medical advice. If you are on medication,
have a medical condition, or pregnant, PLEASE consult your doctor
BEFORE going on this or any weight-loss program. Should you

decide that you want to increase your physical activity, again please
consult your doctor. This is for your safety!


Digestion Process

I know we don.t think too much about what happens to all the
food we eat, but we really need to start doing just that. As soon as
you stick food into your mouth, the digestion process starts.

Digestion is simply the series of physical and chemical changes
that the food and drink we consume go through so that they may
absorbed into our body.

Starting at our mouth, we take food into it. I know you know this
already, but stick with me. As soon as we stuff the food into our
mouth, we start the chewing process. What does this accomplish?
The chewing process breaks large pieces of food down into much
smaller and manageable pieces of food in preparation for the rest of
the digestive journey.

Our saliva actually moistens the food as we chew it thus, making
it easier to chew and eventually swallow. A fairly slow and wavelike
motion begins after we swallow. This is known as peristalsis.
Peristalsis pushes the food-mass through the esophagus down to the

The chemical part of the digestion process starts in the center
portion of the stomach. This is where all that food we swallowed is
mixed with water, hydrochloric acid, and enzymes. These are the
gastric juices you.ve probably heard so much about.

Now, after one to four hours (depending on the combinations of
food), peristalsis once again moves the broken down food (which is
now in liquid form) out of the stomach and down to the small
intestine. The broken down food arrives at the small intestine in the
following order: 1) carbohydrates; 2) protein; and 3) fat.

The absorption part of the digestion process is where the
nutrients taken from the food we.ve eaten are absorbed by the
intestine and passed on into our bloodstream. Most of this process
takes place in the small intestine. Remember the carbohydrates,
protein, and fat that lines up here? From the carbohydrates, we
absorb glucose. From the protein we absorb amino acids. From the



fat we absorb fatty acids and glycerol. All these nutrients are sucked
up by the intestines and passed on into the bloodstream. Once
inside the bloodstream, this process aids our body in cell

Fats and fat-soluble vitamins go right to our body cells. The
other nutrients make their way to our liver. Think of your liver as a
receiving and shipping station. The liver receives nutrients other
than fats and fat-soluable vitamins and turns them into completely
different nutrients and ships or releases them into specific body cells
for specific purposes.

The digestion process is the most important part of the Negative
Calorie Diet. Don.t disrupt it! It literally takes hours and hours for
proper digestion to take place. Let it progress freely and in its own

Some things that can disrupt your digestion are 1) anxiety, 2)
fatigue, 3) stress, 4) worry, 5) gulping down your meals, 6) exercise
and 7) weather. I realize we don.t live in a perfect world. Sometimes
we can.t help having the things mentioned above in our lives. Stress
is always going to be there and I haven.t figured out how to change
the weather yet. Be aware of these problems and that they exist.
Try to plan ahead when you know one is waiting for you . lurking in
the shadows.




To explain the Negative Calorie diet even more, we need to talk
about metabolism. Metabolism converts digested nutrients into the
life-sustaining material your body needs to survive.

There are two phases of metabolism. The first phase is called
Anabolism. The second phase is called Catabolism. The first
phase builds up; the second phase breaks down. Anabolism builds
up the chemicals and tissues in your body. What are your body.s
chemicals and tissues? Blood, enzymes, hormones, glycogen, etc.

Various elements of these tissues are broken down to supply
energy to your body. This is known as Catabolism. No, I.m not trying
to teach you a college class on the subject, but knowledge is
power! Believe it or not, a little bit of knowledge on this subject will
go a long way towards losing weight and ultimately your success.

When our body metabolizes glucose (simple sugars), this
catapults energy to our body cells. The energy we manufacture
combines with oxygen and more chemical reactions then unfold.
Carbon dioxide and water emerge from the chemical reactions and
actually become waste products.

It.s the rate of which these thousands of chemical reactions take
place that is our metabolism. Metabolism or metabolic rate as some
experts call it, is the speed at which your body burns off calories.

That brings us back to carbohydrates, protein, and fat. I know
you.ve heard the word calorie before, right? Well, these are where
our calories come from. The food and drink we take in contain
carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These are our primary sources of
energy. Once broken down through the digestive system and
absorbed into the body, carbohydrates, protein, and fat supply our
body with fuel or as some people call it, energy. Energy for body
heat and work.



Back to calories. When our body metabolizes carbohydrates,
protein, and fat, chemical energy is released as heat. The amount of
chemical energy released as heat is what we refer to as calories.

I know this is pretty dry material for some if not most of you, but
we.re almost at the critical junction. Now, foods that contain a lot of
energy have a lot of calories. By the same token, foods that are low
in energy are low in calories.

As we all know, people are different and so is their metabolism.
Some people have a very fast metabolism. My brother-in-law is one
of these people. This guy eats and eats and eats! He never watches
his meals for fat or calorie amounts. In fact, he fries a lot of his food.
He eats fast food like it.s going out of style, yet he is slim and trim! I.ll
bet you know someone like this, right? Many of us were like this
when we were teenagers, remember?

Some people have very slow metabolism like me! People like
these have a harder time shedding excess weight. For our purposes,
let.s just forget about those lucky skinny people with fast metabolism.
Good for them. What about us? Can we change or speed up our
metabolism? You betcha! Again, The Negative Calorie Diet
accomplishes this.

We already know that exercise will naturally speed up our
metabolism, right? So does The Negative Calorie Diet! How? By
telling our body that we are full and satisfied. That.s why starvation
diets don.t work. By starvation diet, I mean a diet where you either
eat a very limited number of calories per day (much less than you.re
used to) or none at all. More specifically, very small portions of food
with very few calories. What happens? You do not become full!
Your body senses the starvation! When it senses that you are in fact
starving it, your metabolism slows down and your body starts storing
fat thus, no weight loss.

By changing the nutritional composition of what we eat through
The Negative Calorie Diet, our body won.t sense starvation at all.
Our body will sense that it is getting enough food. Food from the
Negative Calorie foods list. Very large in portion and size, but foods



that are very low in calories, nutritional, and producing a negative
calorie effect.

This process actually speeds up our metabolism, allowing our
body to burn off its excess stored fat. What.s that mean? We lose
weight! Ah, the critical junction! We must speed up our metabolism!
The Negative Calorie Diet kick starts our metabolism and gets it
speeding. Then we provide one extra element to this process.
Oxygen! That.s right. Air. Sound corny? Read on.

We pretty much process three things through our bodies. Food,
liquid, and oxygen. Remember all the chemical reactions we
discussed? Oxygen is the main source of these chemical reactions.
It.s called oxidation. Without oxygen, there would be no chemical
reactions to supply fuel to our body.

So what. We already breathe, right? There aren.t any calories in
air. So what. That.s exactly it! If there aren.t any calories in the air
we breathe, then why not breathe in as much as we can? It doesn.t
cost anything. It.s not hard to do. There.s no special equipment to
buy. But we.re not, are we? We take breathing for granted. We
don.t even think about it. We just do it.

Most of us are very shallow breathers. Our lungs can hold just
about two gallons of air. Do you think you breathe in that much air
every time you inhale? Not on your life! Try this experiment. Get a
giant balloon and hold it up to your mouth. You really need a big
one. Now don.t force a lot of air into it. Just breathe in through your
nose normally. When you exhale, breathe out through your mouth
and into the balloon. Again, breathe normally. Once you.ve exhaled
all the air (don.t force more than normal), hold the stem of the balloon
together with your thumb and forefinger. That.s how much air you
breathe in and out all day long. If you fill up the balloon and pop it,
congratulations! But if you.re like most of us, you have no where
near two gallons worth.

If you.re overweight, or want to shed a few pounds (which is why
I assume you purchased this book) you.re simply not getting enough
oxygen into your lungs to increase the rate in which all the chemical
reactions in your body take place. Or, in other words, to increase



your metabolism. Remember, to effectively lose weight, you must
increase your metabolism!

To summarize, The Negative Calorie Diet speeds up metabolism
because our body senses that it is being fed properly. The Negative
Calorie foods we eat produce a negative calorie effect, remember?
When there.s no more calories to burn off from the Negative Calorie
foods we.ve eaten, our body turns to burning its excess stored fat for
the energy it needs to get through the day. To maintain this fat-
burning process and make it even more efficient, we need to get
more oxygen in our lungs. Burning off our excess stored fat causes
us to lose weight. Got the picture? Great.

Let.s talk a little more about our Negative Calorie or fat-dissolving
foods. First of all, they are very high in water content. In addition,
their nutritional value is outstanding to say the least. Very high in
vitamins and minerals.

With the Negative Calorie diet, you will consume approximately

2.5 to 3 pounds of Negative Calorie foods per day. These are very
low fat, negative effect calories you will consume. Don.t get too
calorie conscious here . we.re not counting! Now, the diet itself.


The Negative Calorie Food List

If you.re like me, you probably want to
get right to it. Okay, here it is. all the
Negative Calorie foods you.ll be using in
your diet. I give you this list now so that
you can start seeing what foods you are
hoping will be on it. Here.s the list.


Green beans
String beans
Beet greens
Brussels sprouts
Chinese cabbage
Corn (cob/canned)
Dandelion greens
Dill pickles

Mustard greens
Parsley leaves
Parsnips (raw/boiled)
Peppers (green/red)
Pickles (sour/sweet)
Red cabbage




Not a bad list so far, eh? No, this isn.t all of it. But look the
vegetable list over. Look for foods that you are already eating and
breathe a sigh of relief. I mean, if you already like something in
particular, isn.t that half the battle? One of your chores after reading
will be to find every one of these vegetables at your supermarket.

Don.t despair. What you don.t find at one grocery store, you may
find at another. Don.t discount health food stores either. The prices
may be slightly higher, but you.re probably getting a better quality
product, not to mention the fact that the produce at a health food
store was more than likely grown without chemicals.

I.m very lucky. I live in a very agricultural part of the country
where fruit and vegetable stands are all over the place. We.ve got
farmer.s markets as well. So open up to the fact that you may have
to shop around.


Damson plum
Fruit salad (fresh/canned)
Honeydew melon




Feeling a little better now? Yes, your sweet tooth will make it
through this diet. Take a really good look at this list. You.re
remembering what each fruit tastes like aren.t you? My experience
has shown me that most people stick with just a few of their favorite
fruit. I.m asking you to break that habit. Live a little! Broaden your
horizon! Would you believe that I was 39 years old before I ever tried
a Kiwi? That.s what I.m talking about. Try everything at least once!
You may just find a new friend. It.s very good practice to try different
things anyway. Get out of the rut! You.ll like yourself more!

No, I.m not going to turn you into a rabbit. There.s still more to
the list. I.m warning you though; it.s a short one.


Bass (fresh water/sea)
Buffalo fish
Clams (cooked)
Cod Steaks
Frog legs
Oysters (half shell)

That.s the list! Really spend some time with it. Read each food
item and visualize it. That.s right. See each item in your mind.s eye.
Imagine the taste, the smell. Why do this? Self-Programming. You
don.t want this to be just another diet failure do you?

More about programming later. We still need to .tweak. this list a
little. We.ve got all these great foods now . so how do we eat them?



Do we cook them? Do we eat them raw? Both! That.s what.s so
great about this diet. For instance, I would much rather eat
cauliflower raw than cooked. What about you? Use your own good

One suggestion about eating these foods cooked or raw. If
there.s a particular food or group of foods on the list that you don.t
really like raw, try cooking it and vice versa. Sometimes cooking will
make a food more palatable.

Now you know what the foods are. How do they work? First, the
foods on the list are obviously low in calories, right? Here.s how they
work. Take an apple for instance. The average apple contains
anywhere from 70 to 80 calories. Needless to say, thinking about an
apple won.t burn off any calories, but getting up and out of your chair,
walking to your kitchen, finding the apple, picking it up and eating it
burns off calories. Not lots mind you, but a few. Probably right
around 5. Cool, your 80-calorie apple is now down to 75 calories and
you haven.t even put it in your mouth!

Now you.ve got to eat your apple. Let.s say it takes you 10
minutes to finish. That.s another 10 calories burned off! You.re
smokin.! You.ve broken that 80-calorie apple down to 65 calories!
The rest of the process is easy. You take care of that, internally.

The actual digestive process your body will go through to take
care of that apple requires energy from your body to make it happen.
You.ve got to chew it. Digestive muscles and organs utilize heat and
energy to get the job done. The energy your body uses for this
process burns off even more calories. For the apple, another 75
calories to digest it, bringing the calories for that apple down to an
astonishing .10! A negative calorie effect, yet you.ve satisfied your

That, in essence, is the magic of the Negative Calorie food. Will
every food produce a total negative calorie effect? No, but that.s
okay, while consuming very few calories.



The Negative Calorie Diet

This is a pretty simple diet to follow. Stick to it and you.ll average
about a pound per day (usually more) weight loss. Don.t cheat!
Cheating is the largest reason for failure. You.ve got to get into the
right frame of mind. Take it a meal at a time.

The first thing you.ll need to do to get started is to pick up some
Negative Calorie foods. Get yourself a piece of paper . better yet,
take the workbook to the store with you. While you.re shopping,
please take the time to get involved with your purchase. Try to at
least look at every food in the list. Fruit, vegetables, meats. Try to
find the stuff you.ve never heard of before.

Once you find your picks for the week, pick them up. Hold them.
Feel their weight. Smell it. Really smell it. This is your week. You.re
in charge. I mean it. You need to be the one to buy your food for the
week. Don.t have someone else do the dirtywork for you. You need
to get involved. Why? If you approach this half-baked, not focused,
you.re not going to make it.

Part of the plan working, is to get involved. As you shop for
yourself, you.ll be programming yourself for success. It works! By
the way, don.t combine shopping for your Negative Calorie foods with
other shopping. This is a mission. Go out on your own and make
this happen. You.ll feel better at the end for doing it.

During the week that you.re on this diet, you.ll be eating the
ultimate negative calorie, fat-burning, metabolism increasing soup
ever devised.

You will not eat this soup all by itself. That wouldn.t be healthy
but you will eat some every day. Don.t worry, it tastes great. If you
like vegetable soup, you.ll like this. I.m going to give you the
directions on how to make it. Do not stray from the directions! Do
not .implement. your own variations. Do you really truly want to burn
your fat off? Stick to the directions!




6 large green onions
1 cup fresh green beans
2 cups fresh spinach
5 medium carrots
1 large can of cooked or stewed tomatoes
1 medium head of cabbage
1/2 bunch of celery
1 clove of garlic (you decide)
1 green or red bell pepper (red gives it more color)
1 stalk of broccoli
1 cup of brown rice (uncooked)
1 package of onion soup mix
FREE: your choice of salt, pepper, herbs, spices for taste

At first glance, some of you will look at the above list and think of
the old cabbage soup diet. This is not that soup. The old cabbage
soup diet did in fact help people lose weight, but there was a trade off
in nutrition. The old cabbage soup diet was lacking in some areas
such as protein, calcium, and grain. The Negative Calorie Diet
makes up for these areas.

What does it taste like? If you like stew, you.ll like The Negative
Calorie Soup. It.s not as boring as the old cabbage soup diet. Now
you can add salt, pepper, herbs and spices to suit your particular
taste. For instance, I like to make The Negative Calorie Soup with
curry, salt, and pepper. After a two or three days, if I.m a little bored
with it (it happens) I like to toss in some chopped or dried cilantro for
a more tangy, Mexican flavor. I also love the broth that comes from
the soup. I actually love to ladle some into a cup at night before I go
to bed. Be creative with your spices. One last word here. When we
say herbs and spices, we mean just that. Fresh or dried herbs and
spices that contain little or no calories.

A word of warning. You.re going to need a large stew pot, so
have that ready and standing by. Depending on your pick of the
above ingredients, you.ll be making roughly one and a half to two
gallons of this soup.



Clean all ingredients. Don.t peel your carrots. Simply rub the
outside of them with your hands thoroughly under water until the dirt
is gone. Cut all vegetables into small and medium pieces. Run the
clove of garlic through a garlic press or chop it very very fine. Throw
everything into the pot except the brown rice and fill with clean
(preferably filtered) water. Fill it up to about two inches below the
top. If the pot isn.t already on the stovetop, get it on there now. Turn
the heat all the way up. Once the pot is boiling, throw in the brown
rice. Now boil all the ingredients very fast for 5 minutes. Turn the
heat down to a simmer and continue cooking until the vegetables are
tender. This usually takes 4 to 6 hours.

One tip, don.t add salt, pepper, herbs and spices without tasting
as you add them! Too much will ruin the batch. Then you have to
start all over again! This soup will be your main dish for lunch and

I usually like to start The Negative Calorie Diet on Mondays. It
just makes sense to me. Starting at the beginning of the week
makes you more aware of your progress. Just like going to work and
working till the weekend. You sense the end coming and look
beyond it.

The only problem is the weekend. No reward! Just two more
days of being on the diet. So if you prefer rewarding yourself on a
weekend, simply start the diet on a Saturday. This way, when the
next Saturday arrives, you.re ready for your reward! But don.t go out
and undo everything you just spent a week accomplishing.

  1. ve talked to literally hundreds of people who have used The
Negative Calorie Diet and a popular method of starting the diet
seems to be on a weekend (Saturday) when you have a lot of chores
scheduled to be done at home. You know, painting, mowing the
yard, working on the car, crafts, etc. Maybe you want to just stay
home and read a good book. The majority of the success stories I.ve
been told about seem to hold true to this fact. Control your
environment. It.s only a week. If you go out with friends or on a
date, the temptation of eating something else may be too high. Only
you know for sure, so think and plan ahead. This soup is very



important. I cannot stress this enough. You really need to plan this
out. Since it takes 4 to 6 hours to prepare, it.s important that you
make a large amount to start you off. I usually have to make it twice
during the week. Plan ahead! Don.t come home from work after

6:00 p.m. with no soup to eat. Plan ahead! If you run out during the
week (I know I do), try to cook early in the evening so that it will be
ready by the next morning.
If you.re like me and you have to eat lunch while you.re away
from home during the day, be sure to have a large container to take
your soup with you. If you have access to a stove or microwave, a
plastic container with an airtight lid will do. No stove or microwave?
Invest in a large thermos or a couple of small ones.

The point is that you maintain a large enough supply of the soup
to get through the entire week. No excuses! This is your week.
Don.t forget your soup and head out to the nearest fast food palace.
Start figuring out now when you.ll have the time to make your second
and maybe even third batch.

Beverages. What do you get to drink during the week? Water.
What else? Water with a lemon wedge squeezed into it. No juices.
No diet drinks. No coffee. No tea. No alcohol! Just water. Water
with lemon. Oh, did I mention milk? No milk! Are we clear? Crystal,
right? Again, you need to plan ahead. Make sure you have access
to enough water to get you through the week.

It.s preferable to drink your water before and after your meals .
not during. Notice I said preferable. If you.re the type of person that
can eat without having something to drink, great! But if you.re like
me, you.ll have to have your water sitting right there with you during
your meal. Water consumed before and after your meals will aid in
the digestive process. Water consumed during meals slows down
your digestion. If you must drink during your meal, try to keep it to
half a glass.

I know you.ve heard this before, but I.m going to tell it to you
again. You need to drink a gallon of water a day! That.s right, a
whole gallon. For myself, I find it.s best to have a container that.s 32



ounces. In fact, I use one of those 32-ounce travel mugs. They keep
my water pretty cool throughout the day. I know when I.ve finished
the first one; it.s one down, three to go, and so on.

I.m able to drink a gallon while I.m at work. Any extra water I
drink is icing on the cake! Oops. Sorry about that. One more tip
before we get into the actual day to day eating. Yes, we.re still
talking about water. Water can really take the hunger pangs away.
When you feel like having a snack during the day, go ahead and
have the snack (an apple or celery), but really try to drink a glass of
water before. It really works!

When cooking your chicken or fish, you need to bake or broil. No
frying! Be sure to take the skin off your chicken! Do not consume
any alcohol while you.re on the diet. No carbonated beverages,
including diet sodas. Just water. Lots of it! I just had to say that

How long do you stay on the diet? Try it for 7 days at a time.
You really need the 7 days to get the entire effect. Once the 7 days
are over, stay off for at least a week before getting back on it. It
could very well be that changing your eating habits after the diet is all
you.ll need.

If you need to take off a lot of weight, this diet will do the trick. If
that.s the case, you really need to think long-term. I don.t care what
kind of diet program you use; it.s never advisable to lose large
amounts of weight in a very short amount of time.

If you are looking to cut more than 10 pounds off your current
weight, it.s preferable and more importantly, safer to spread the loss
over a few weeks or even months. This is where goals come in. I
know you want to do this quick. Everyone does. But we want you
around for a long time, so take it slow.

With The Negative Calorie Diet, 3 to 5 pounds a week is very
attainable. If you need to lose a lot of weight, make this your target
loss per week. In other words, stay on the diet for a week. Now for
the next week, go off the diet, but eat sensibly! Keep at least 60 to



70% of your food intake Negative Calorie foods. Then get back on.
This way you won.t be depriving yourself of some of your favorite
dishes while you.re losing weight.

I also suggest you get a calendar and mark your days of dieting
off as you move along. Draw a big red square around the last day!
On the day after the last day, write down what your reward will be.
Put it right in the middle of that square! Your favorite food? Your
favorite restaurant? Go to a movie? You decide.

Okay, we.re ready to map out the week. Here goes.


Don.t skimp on your breakfast! This really is the most important
meal of the day. The Negative Calorie Diet is no different. Start
every morning off with a healthy meal of fruit. Eat till you.re full.
said only till you.re full. Do not gorge yourself. Eat only these
particular fruits:



Honeydew Melon

Pretty simple, eh? Do not mix any of these. Stick with one per
morning meal. These fruits will aid in the digestion of the meals you
eat later in the day.


Another small list. Apples or Celery. If you get hungry before
lunch, gulp down an apple or some celery. Drink a glass of water
before each snack. Same with a snack before dinner. A glass of
water, then an apple or celery. If, after having consumed a glass of
water, you don.t feel hungry, forget the snack! Don.t eat anything
else. Got it? Good!

Don.t eat anything else during this 7 days you.re on the diet. If
you do, you.ve failed.



Day 1

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits previously
mentioned. Eat until full. Full does not mean
stuffed! Eat slow and deliberate. Taste the
fruit. Chew it slowly and enjoy it. Take your

Snack: If you don.t need a snack, skip this
section. If you do, drink a full glass of water first! If you still need
a snack, have an apple or some celery. Eat until satisfied. Notice I
did not say full. Satisfied is different than full. Satisfied is just to get
you through to the next meal of the day. Full is different.

Lunch: Eat a least one bowl of the soup. If you can eat more, go for
it! Then pick any of the vegetables you want from the list. Eat until
full. Do not gorge yourself! Getting full does not mean pig out.
Should you decide that a salad would be nice, no dressing. If you
need to put something on your salad, use only apple cider vinegar.
Do not use regular distilled vinegar. Do not use apple cider flavored
vinegar. Read the label. Apple cider vinegar only for topping a

Snack: Same as above.

Dinner: Eat at least one bowl of soup. If you can eat more, go
ahead. Eat as many vegetables as you want from the list (raw). Eat
one piece or serving of fruit from the list. No chicken or fish today.

That.s it for today. Now was that so bad? Only six more days to
go. Don.t even step on that bathroom scale in the morning! In fact,
get that scale out of the house until the eighth day. The first 2 to 3
days can fool the scale. You.re burning up that fat. You feel a little
different today. Different than usual anyway. You can.t quite put
your finger on it though. That.s the fat melting. Try not to get on the
scale until the eighth day. The day after the diet. That.s your



Day 2

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits previously
mentioned. Eat until full. Full does not
mean stuffed! Eat slow and deliberate.
Taste the fruit. Chew it slowly and enjoy it.
Take your time.

You might feel like stuffing yourself this
morning. Feeling a little empty, right? Don.t do it! Relax. Have a
big glass of water and lemon after breakfast this morning. In fact,
have two!

Snack: Water, apple, celery. Remember? If you don.t need the
snack, drink the water anyway.

Lunch: A bowl of soup again. At least one. More if you can handle
it. Eat the soup until full. After the soup, have a peach. That.s it.

Snack: Water, celery, apple. Fooled ya huh? Do the water even if
you don.t do the snack. Water.s good for you. Why? Because I said

Dinner: Ah, more soup. MMMMMMMM good! At least a bowl. Two
would be better. As many vegetables from the list you can eat
except peas and corn. You can even have a baked potato tonight!
No salt, no butter, no margarine, no sour cream. I know it sounds
weird, but try mixing some warm water with some plain yellow
mustard (about a teaspoon) into your potato. Add some pepper and
Italian seasoning. It.s not too bad. Sorry, no chicken or fish.

You should feel really full tonight. Almost stuffed. You still feel
different though. Maybe a little warm. That.s the fat melting away.
Remember, NO SCALE! It shouldn.t even be in the house! Have a
glass of water before you go to bed. Of course you.ve already had
your gallon of water today right?



Day 3

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits previously
mentioned. Try a different one today. Eat
until full. Full does not mean stuffed! Eat
slow and deliberate. Taste the fruit. Chew
it slowly and enjoy it. Take your time.

Snack: You know the routine. An apple a
day. or is it a celery stick? All together
now, what comes before the snack? It.s
wet. It.s clear. It.s good for you.

Lunch: A bowl of soup. I realize by now, that the soup may be
getting a little old. Not age-wise, mind you. Just that you may be
getting a little tired of it. Just remember, the fat is burning up. Don.t
stop now. After you.ve eaten all the soup you can handle (at least
one bowl), you can have any fruit or vegetables you want from the
list. Mix .em, match .em, whatever. Eat as much as you want! Be
sure to have a glass of water about a half-hour after lunch though.

Snack: I.m thinkin. that you might not need a snack yet. But if you
do, drink another glass of water first. Cool, clear, water. Good stuff!
Celery or apple if you need it.

Dinner: Do lunch over again! Get stuffed. Only fruits and
vegetables from the list. You did have your soup first, right? That.s
great. Remember, at least one bowl of soup or more. Try to have a
glass of water a half-hour before and after dinner. By the way, how
large is your soup bowl? Don.t be using small bowls. At least
medium size bowls of soup. Large if you can handle it.

Yeah, it.s the end of the third day. How ya feelin.? I know. Your
body is changing. You can actually feel the fat burning today.
Maybe a little light headed? It.s working! Your metabolism isn.t
walking anymore . it.s jogging! Think ahead. See yourself on the
beach wearing those clothes you.ve been neglecting. Another glass
of water before bed, okay?



Day 4

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits
previously mentioned. Eat until full. Full
does not mean stuffed! Eat slow and
deliberate. Taste the fruit. Chew it
slowly and enjoy it. Take your time.
Hope you.re not getting tired of reading
this because you have to read it 3 more
times! You really need to drink a lot of
water today, so have a glass before and
after breakfast.

Snack: Water again. You need to wash out the uric acids in your
body. Have an apple. Better yet, have some celery. Then have
some more water! By the way, did I mention that snacks are
optional? Water isn.t though . have some more!

Lunch: This is getting pretty easy by now, eh? Yup, get out that
bowl, heat up that soup, and go for it! Have another bowl . on me!
Today you can even have a couple of bananas. One with lunch, one
with dinner. Only one with lunch! Did I mention water again? No?
Okay, have a couple glasses of water.

Snack: After lunch today only celery. No apples. Oh, and water.
Lots of it! All you can drink. More, more, more!

Dinner: Soup. As much as you can stand. You.re on the downside
now. You need a big finish. Eat until you are satisfied. Have any of
the veggies from the list on the side. For dessert, have any of the
fruit from the list. After dessert, a big glass of water. After the big
glass of water, another big glass of water.

Pants feeling a little loose today? Go ahead, try on some of
those old clothes that don.t fit. You need a boost. You can see and
feel the results. Don.t quit. Go out for a long walk today. Slow and
easy. Look around you. Notice everything. When you get home,
have another glass of water.



Day 5

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits
previously mentioned. Eat until full.
Full does not mean stuffed! Eat slow
and deliberate. Taste the fruit. Chew it
slowly and enjoy it. Take your time.
Feeling a little light headed this
morning? Have a big glass of water
after eating.

Snack: More water. Try to stick with celery today. Celery, water.
Got that?

Lunch: Soup. At least a bowl. Two or more if you.re still hungry.
Pick any of the leafy vegetables from the list. Throw in 2 tomatoes.
Slice them up and add some apple cider vinegar for flavor if you need
it. You guessed it, have some more water.

Snack: Water. An apple is okay now. Celery is too. Water.s better!

Dinner: Watch out! Tonight, after you have at least one bowl of
soup, you can have chicken or fish! No more than 10 ounces
though. You need the protein. *Note: For vegetarians or those of
you who do not eat any kind of meat, substitute beans for the chicken
or fish. Black beans and pinto beans are very high in protein, so they
are preferable. Simply heat up a can or cook some raw. Season
with salt, pepper, herbs and spices to suit your taste. Throw in a
leafy vegetable and tomato salad. As much as you can handle.
Apple cider vinegar for flavoring if you need it. And after dinner?
You guessed it again! A big, cool, clear, refreshing glass of water.
You know you can add lemon to that water, right? Go ahead, add
some lemon.

Don.t worry about the chicken or fish. You.ll burn that off in no
time! If you were feeling a little weak, you should start to perk up a
bit now. You can tell you.re burning the fat now can.t you? It.s been
a long 5 days. Only 2 left. You can do it! Tonight, look in the mirror.
See the change taking place. Awesome!



Day 6

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits
previously mentioned. Eat until full. Full
does not mean stuffed! Eat slow and
deliberate. Taste the fruit. Chew it slowly
and enjoy it. Take your time.

Snack: You know the drill. Water first. If
you need a snack, have an apple or some

celery. After your snack, have some more water. Don.t worry, it.s
good for you.

Lunch: Have at least one bowl of soup. Great! Now you can have
any fruits and vegetables from the list. As much as you want. After
lunch is over, drink some more water.

Snack: Didn.t you just have some water? I thought so. Have some
more. After your refreshing cool glass of water, have some celery. If
you.re still a little hungry, have an apple. But if you have that apple,
you have to drink some more water. You know what? Drink the
water anyway.

Dinner: Tonight is fish night! Any kind you want. as long as it.s on
the list! But before you eat your fish, have at least one bowl of soup.
After the bowl of soup. Try having another bowl. Then the fish.
*Note: For vegetarians or those of you who do not eat any kind of
meat, substitute beans for the chicken or fish. Black beans and pinto
beans are very high in protein, so they are preferable. Simply heat
up a can or cook some raw. Season with salt, pepper, herbs and
spices to suit your taste. You can throw in any vegetables from the
list that you want.

That.s right, only one more day left. You.re starting to get used
to this now. Admit it. You.re feeling kind of healthy, right? By now,
you are a Mean, Lean, Fat-Burning Machine! I hope you haven.t
cheated yourself and weighed in on the scale. Don.t do that till day
after tomorrow. I mean it!



Day 7

Breakfast: Pick one of the fruits
previously mentioned. Eat until full. Full
does not mean stuffed! Eat slow and
deliberate. Taste the fruit. Chew it
slowly and enjoy it. Take your time.
Have plenty of water with you today.

Snack: Same old thing. Water first.
Think about the snack. Do you really
need it? If you do, have some celery

first. More water after that. If the pang is still there, eat an apple.
It.s okay. But only one.

Lunch: A bowl of the soup. Any fruits and vegetables from the list.
Eat until full. Don.t stuff. Drink some more water after lunch.

Snack: Here we go again. This is the last time. Have as much
water as you can stand before hitting that snack. After the water,
you pick. Apple or celery. Pretty neat huh? Try to have some more
water after your snack.

Dinner: Soup. Your last bowl or two. Yeah, have two. Create a
nice salad with any of the vegetables from the list. Apple cider
vinegar for dressing. Tonight you can add salt, pepper, herbs and
spices to your salad. That doesn.t mean bacon bits, croutons, or
sunflower seeds. For dessert, have any combination of fruits from
the list. Eat until you.re full.

You did it! You.re there! Try to take another walk tonight. Your
metabolism is running in high gear now! Feeling a little energetic?
That.s good. It.s working. You are burning fat big-time! Tomorrow
is not stuff yourself with fast food day. Relax. Think about what you
want to eat tomorrow. Throw in some Negative Calorie foods with it.
Don.t mess up all your fine work. Savor your success!



Day 8

Weigh yourself before you eat

anything! If you stuck to the program and

didn.t cheat, you really lost some weight!

Now the hardest part. maintaining your

success! So, I really want you to think

about what you.re gonna have for
breakfast. Instead of hash browns, try some cantaloupe.

The trick here is to start slowly changing your eating habits.
Tip: Once you.re off The Negative Calorie Diet, try to maintain a
daily intake of 60 to 70% Negative Calorie foods of the total amount
of foods you eat.

This is where the majority of dieters fail. After they do a terrific
job of sticking to a diet, they resort back to their original eating habits.
If you do this, it.s only a matter of time until you put the weight back
on. This is the .yo-yo. effect you always hear so much about.

If you want to maintain your new found weight, you.ve got to start
re-programming yourself into new, healthier eating habits. Think
before you eat. If you must have a burger at the local fast food
establishment, order it without mayonnaise. Use more mustard
instead of mayonnaise and ketchup. Get a smaller burger and ask
for extra lettuce, tomato, and onions. See how it works?

You.re in charge now! Instead of that ice cold soda, have a glass
of ice-tea or fruit juice. Instead of cookies and ice cream, try
strawberries and bananas. Be creative! You.ve got more than a
hundred foods to choose from.

When you dine out, try to stick more to Chinese, Japanese, and
other Asian restaurants. They use a lot of Negative Calorie foods in
their dishes. If you watch yourself, even Italian and Mexican food
restaurants can keep you in the Negative Calorie mode.

Prepare plenty of raw vegetables from the list as snacks to keep
you going. It takes a little work, but if you can keep your supply



maintained and available, you.ll have a much better chance of
keeping the weight off. Most people are simply not prepared. Most
of us really don.t mind eating healthy. It makes us feel good. We
know we.ve done something wonderful for our body. The problem is
our schedules. We make time for appointments, we make time for
each other, we make time for everything. Everything but eating right
that is.

Pick your day of the week to maintain your new found weight by
making that day your food preparation day. Cut up your fruit and
vegetables, seal them up and toss .em into the fridge. Prepare
enough for the whole week. Figure out how much you.ll need for
each day and get to slicing and dicing!

Use non-stick pots and pans to prepare food that you used to fry.
For instance, I love fried potatoes as part of my breakfast routine, but
one day, I tried frying my potatoes without any kind of oil, butter, or
margarine. I cut up my potatoes, threw .em in the frying pan, and
after they were a little warm, started adding some water. For
seasoning, I added Italian seasoning, garlic and onion powder. They
almost came out like regular fried potatoes! In fact, I think they were

You.re limited only by your imagination. Try frying vegetables
from the list in a mixture of water and beef or chicken broth. They.re
great! Steaming vegetables is a great alternative to boiling and
frying. Buy a wok!

Instead of salad dressing, keep using apple cider vinegar. You
can also mix some nonfat yogurt with some water and apple cider
vinegar and your favorite seasonings. This makes excellent
vegetable dip and salad dressing.

When you bake a cake or brownies, add applesauce instead of
oil. It really works! When you prepare spaghetti, forget adding
hamburger, sausages, etc. Add black olives and mushrooms instead
of meat. If you.re like me and have to have garlic bread with your
pasta, use sourdough bread instead. Mix a very little bit of olive oil
instead of butter or margarine with a few fresh cloves of garlic and



Italian seasoning and you.ve got a fantastic spread for your garlic

The point is to start really looking at your foods before you eat
them. A lot of the foods we eat aren.t really that fattening. It.s the
way we cook them! Throw your cooking oil away! Get some extra
virgin olive oil and use it sparingly. Honest, you don.t need much.

I really love to make my own french fries. I like to cut extra large
wedges and fry .em up. One day, I decided to take my medium size
non-stick pot and throw my wedges in without oil. I turned the heat
up to medium and added salt, pepper, and my favorite, Italian
seasoning. No oil! In about 15 to 20 minutes, they had browned very
nicely. I pulled them out. Kind of a cross between regular french
fries and a baked potato. It was great! Try it! Be creative!

Start making the change slowly. Figure out little ways to cut the
excess fat and calories out of your eating habits. Start by cutting
everything you do in half. For instance, cut your usual fast food
intake in half. If you usually have a burger twice a week, now have it
only once.

If you.re used to drinking two sodas a day, cut it down to one. If
you eat candy, cut that in half. If you must fry some potatoes, cut
your usual oil amount in half. Instead of a bowl of ice cream, half a



Oxygen . Your Old Friend

That.s right, you haven.t been very good to your old friend. We
take our old friend for granted. We don.t remember our old friend
very often. Sometimes we run, do aerobics, or something similar to
get back in touch with our old buddy. Then, after we.re done panting
and wheezing, we.re back to breathing our normal amount of air.
Thinking about oxygen is the furthest thing from our mind!

Did you know that oxygen burns fat? No? Well now you do. We
all assume that it.s the exercise alone that causes us to burn fat.
What happens when we exercise? We breathe heavier and deeper.
This in turn delivers more than our usual amount of oxygen
throughout our body.s cells. This seems to be one of the world.s best
kept secrets. Yet it isn.t. Numerous books have been written about
the benefit of deep breathing.

We.re able to store food and drink, but do we store oxygen in our
bodies? Nope! We must continually inhale and exhale. What
happens if we stop? We die. Not a pretty picture. So why have we
let this very important source of fuel get away from us?

It.s very likely that our lifestyle has changed so drastically that
oxygen is simply taken for granted. But just jump into a swimming
pool and start swimming under water. What are you thinking about
now? Even as you swim, you think about finally breaking the surface
and gasping for that breath of fresh air. Am I right? Isn.t it ironic that
the only time we think about the air we desperately need to survive is
when we.re in an extreme situation where we.re not getting it?

Take a look around at the majority of animals. Not the
overweight couch potato pets that owners have made into carbon
copies of themselves, but dogs and cats that are in good shape.
Animals in the wild. One of the reasons they stay in excellent
condition is because of the amount of oxygen they breathe. Have
you ever seen a dog panting? Instinctively, for whatever reason, a
panting dog takes in more air to regulate its body temperature.
Animals are born with this instinct and most likely, so are we.



Unfortunately, because of a modern world of automobiles,
airplanes, computers, etc., we unknowingly change our breathing
habits. Chances are very good that if we were still in prehistoric
times where we would have to hunt for food with our bare hands day
in and day out, the instinct of breathing deep would be as natural as
it is with the animals.

Do you know that 70% of the waste inside our bodies get
eliminated through breathing? So, think about it. if you.re not
breathing properly, are you getting rid of all that waste? Nope. The
waste that you.re failing to eliminate will cause problems for your
body. Headaches, slower metabolism, other aches and pains,